What is Number Series ?
Number series is a form of numbers in a certain sequence, where some numbers are mistakenly put into the series of numbers and some number is missing in that series, we need to observe first and then find the accurate number to that series of numbers.
Anything we learn in our school days was basics and that is well enough for passing our school exams. Now the time has come to learn for our competitive exams. For this we need our basics but also we have to learn something new. That’s where shortcut tricks are comes into action.
In competitive exams number series are given and where you need to find missing numbers and mistakenly put into the series numbers. The number series are come in different types. At first you have to decided what type of series are given in papers then according with this you have to use shortcut tricks as fast as you can.
Different types of Number Series
There are some format of series which are given in Exams.
Perfect Square Series:
This Types of Series are based on square of a number which is in same order and one square number is missing in that given series.
Example 1: 441, 484, 529, 576, ?
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Perfect Cube Series:
This Types of Series are based on cube of a number which is in same order and one cube number is missing in that given series.Number series is a form of numbers in a certain sequence, where some numbers are mistakenly put into the series of numbers and some number is missing in that series, we need to observe first and then find the accurate number to that series of numbers.
Anything we learn in our school days was basics and that is well enough for passing our school exams. Now the time has come to learn for our competitive exams. For this we need our basics but also we have to learn something new. That’s where shortcut tricks are comes into action.
In competitive exams number series are given and where you need to find missing numbers and mistakenly put into the series numbers. The number series are come in different types. At first you have to decided what type of series are given in papers then according with this you have to use shortcut tricks as fast as you can.
Different types of Number Series
There are some format of series which are given in Exams.
Perfect Square Series:
This Types of Series are based on square of a number which is in same order and one square number is missing in that given series.
Example 1: 441, 484, 529, 576, ?
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Perfect Cube Series:
Example 2: 1331, 1728, 2197, ?
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Geometric Series:
This type of series are based on ascending or descending sequence of numbers and each continuous number is obtain by multiplying or dividing the preceding number with static number.
Example 1: 5, 45, 405, 3645, ?
Example 2: 73205, 6655, 605, 55, ?
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Mixed Series:
This type of series has more then one different order are given, which has arranged in alternatively in a single series.This mixed series Examples are describes in separately.
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