
Indian History

1. During Freedom Struggle of India, which among the following movements started with Dandi ?
[A]Swadeshi Movement
[B]Noncooperative Movement
[C]Civil Disobedience Movement
[D] Quit India Movement

2. Who among the following prescribed the separate electorates for India on the basis of the Communal Award in August 1932?
[A]Lord Irwin
[B]Ramsay MacDonald
[C]Winston Churchill
[D]None of them

3. Who among the following also launched a Home rule Movement in India, apart from Annie Besant?
[A]Arubindo Ghosh
[B]Bal Gangadhar Tilak
[C]Gopal Krishna Gokhale
[D]Madan Mohan Malviya

4. Which among the following rulers of Delhi Sultanate declared himself as Sikandar-I-Sani?
[A] Balban
[C]Alauddin Khilji
[D]Firoz Tughlaq

5. Which among the following dynasty is known to have constructed the temples at Khajuraho?

6. Which among the following Buddhist Canon is related to dealing with rules for monks and nuns ?
[A]Vinaya Pitaka
[B]Sutta Pitaka
[C]Abhidhamma Pitaka
[D]None of them

7. Which among the following is a detailed scholastic reworking of doctrinal material appearing in the Suttas, according to schematic classifications?
[A]Vinaya Pitaka
[B]Sutta Pitaka
[C]Abhidhamma Pitaka
[D]None of them

8. Savatthi was capital of which among the 16 Mahajanpadas?
[B] Kosala

9. An organization formed in Germany in 1914 during World War I by Indian students and political activists residing in the country was
[A]Ghadar Party
[B]Indian Independence Committee
[C]Indian National Army
[D]Communist Party of India

10. The Indian Flag was hoisted by Jawahar Lal Nehru in on December 31, 1929 in ________session of Indian National Congress, and followed by the Declaration of the Independence of India was promulgated by the Indian National Congress on January 26, 1930. Which among the following is correct entry in the blank 

11. Which among the following acts provided for direct control of Indian Affairs by the British Government?
[A] Government of India Act 1858
[B]Pitts India Act of 1784
[C]Government of India Act 1909
[D] Indian Councils Act 1892

12. During the period of Harshavardhana the fields were watered by the pots which were called Ghati yantra. The writing of which among the following authors records this?
[D] Banabhatta

13. At which among the following places, Harshavardhana established a large Buddhist monastery?

14. Who among the following was the Sultan of Delhi, when the Mongols appeared for the first time in India’s soil?
[B] Iltutmish
[C]Jalal-ud Din Firoz

15. Rajputs of Mewar submitted to the Mughals for the first time when Amar Singh, son of Rana Pratap accepted the suzerainty of Mughals. Who was the Mughal emperor?
[A] Akbar
[B] Jahangir
[D]None of them


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