
Indian History Basic Questions for All Exams

1. Which among the following dynasties is known to have given the largest grant of villages to the temples and Brahamans?
[A] Pratihara
[B] Gupta
[C] Pala

2. Rigveda was written during which among the following ages?
[A] Stone Age
[B] Copper Age
[C] Iron Age
[D]All of them

3. For the first time in Indian History, the description of the State Administration was found for which among the following periods?
[A] Gupta Period
[B] Maurya Period
[C] Shunga Period
[D]Saatvahana Period

4. Who among the following is ascribed for the work Mudrarakshaha?
[A] Kalidasa
[B] Vishakhadatta
[C] Kautilya

5. Which among the following kings have been linked to the Sudaman Caves ?
[A] Ashoka
[B] ChandraGupta Maurya
[C] Bindusar

6. What was the function of Samharta in Mauryan Administration?
[A] To Collect Revenue
[B] To Work as a Judge
[C] Leadership of Army
[D]Delivering Justice

7. “All Indians are Free and not even one of them is a slave”
Who among the following has observed the above about the Mauryan Empire?
[B] Huen Tsang
[C] Asoka

8. Which among the following was the first investigated pillar of Askoa?
[A] Delhi Meerut Pillar
[B] Barbara cave
[C] Dhauli

9. Pushyamitra Shunga, who was originally a Senapati of the Mauryan empire and assassinated the last Mauryan Emperor Brihadrath in 185 BC was a ____?
[A] Brahaman
[B] Kshatriya
[C] Vaishya

10. There is only one edict, in which Ashoka refers himself as King of Magadha (Laja Magadhe. Identify the edict from the following:
[A] Minor Rock Edict of Mashi
[B] The Queens edict
[C] Bhabhru Edict
[D]Dhauli Pillar Inscription

11. At which among the following places, Chandragupta Maurya spent his last days ?
[A] Nalanda
[B] Ujjain
[C] Shravana Belgola

12. Ceylon became a stronghold of which among the following branches of Buddhism?
[A] Mahayan
[B] Hinayan
[C] Mahendra

13. Who among the following was King of Magadha, at the time of Mahaparinirvana of Gautam Buddha?
[A] Bimbisara
[B] Udayi
[C] Ajatshatru
[D]Chandragupta Maurya

14. Ashvaghosha, who has written the marvelous work “Buddhacharita” was a court poet of which among the following kings?
[A] Ashoka
[B] Kanishka
[C] Samudragupta

15. Who among the following kings was a contemporary of both Mahavira and Buddha ?
[A] Ajatshatru
[B] Nandivardhana
[C] Bimbisara


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