
General Science- Basic Astronomy Questions for SSC Exams

1. The scientists have discovered that Milky Way is having two components, the disc and spherical. What may be the central object of Milky Way?
[A]A Black Hole
[B]A Neuron Star
[D]A Large Magellanic Cloud

2. The Magellanic Clouds are visible from ___?
[A]Northern hemisphere
[B]Southern Hemisphere
[C]Both Northern and Southern Hemisphere
[D]Neither Northern nor Southern Hemisphere

3. The “Planetoids” are located between which among the following?
[A]Mars and Jupiter
[B]Saturn & Jupiter
[C]Mercury and Venus
[D]Earth & Mars

4. The only planet that shows phases is _________?

5. Which among the following is Brightest star?
[B]Alpha centauri
[C]Proxima Centauri

6. Which among the following two gases contribute to begin the formation of stars?
[A]Hydrogen & Nitrogen
[B]Nitrogen and Helium
[C]Helium & Hydrogen
[D]Hydrogen and Oxygen

7. Apart from Saturn which of the following possess planetary possess ring systems of their own?
[A]Jupiter only
[B]Jupiter , Uranus & Neptune
[C]Jupiter & Uranus
[D]Jupiter & Neptune

8. Aurorae are produced by the collision of charged particles from Earth’s magnetosphere which arise due to __?
[A]Solar winds
[B]Ozone layer
[C]Radio waves

9. What name has been given to the places around and between two gravitationally bound bodies where a third object could stay stationary relative to the other two?
[A]Lagrangian point

10. A cataclysmic nuclear explosion caused by the accretion of hydrogen onto the surface of a white dwarf star, would be termed as ___?
[C]Neutron star

11. The positions of the star Polaris, which lies approximately at the north pole of earth changes slowly due to which among the following movements of earth?
[B]Axial precession
[C]Orbital Revolution
[D]Plate Tectonics

12. Which among the following is the major cause of nutation in Earth’s axis?
[A]Earth’s Oblate spheroid shape
[B]The difference between Land and Sea hemispheres
[C]Oceanic Currents
[D]Tidal Forces

13. In a black hole________?
[A]All wavelengths of light are absorbed
[B]All wavelengths of light are absorbed except green and blue
[C]All wavelengths of light are absorbed except blue and red
[D]All wavelengths of light are absorbed except red & green

14. Which among the following is a NOT true statement regarding White Dwarf?
[A]They are final evolutionary stage of stars with not very high density
[B]They reflect light and are not very dense
[C]The light emitted by White dwarfs is due to their heat and they are very dense
[D]All are correct statements

15. What is approximate diameter of Milky Way?
[A]1000 light years
[B]10000 light years
[C]100000 light years
[D]1000000 Light Years


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