
General Knowledge for SSC-CGL Examinations

1. Which among the following is considered to be a part of Shadow Banking in India?
[A]Business Correspondents
[B] Bancassurance Providers
[C]Non-Banking Financial Companies
[D]Private Banks

2. A new term Lourdes Treatment and Resuscitation Option (LTRO) was making news in context with which among the following?
[A]World Bank
[B]International Monetary Fund
[C]European Central Bank
[D]Federal Reserve Bank of America

3. Which among the following is the deadline fixed for “Millennium Development Goals”?

4. Yukiya Amano is the head of which among the following international agencies / bodies?
[A]Asian Development Bank
[B]Non-alignment Movement
[C]International Atomic Energy Agency
[D]International Development Association

5. The growth rate of Indian Economy during 2011-12 was _____?

6. The share of agriculture in the GDP of India have registered a decline steadily in last three decades. What was share of agriculture in India’s GDP in 1982-83 & 2011-12 respectively ?
[A]36.4% & 17.1 %
[B]38.4% & 17.1 %
[C]48.6% & 16.1%
[D]36.4% & 13.9%

7. Which among the following states is the highest producer of Soya bean in India?
[A]Uttar Pradesh
[B] Andhra Pradesh
[D]Madhya Pradesh

8. Which among the following is largest producer of wheat in India?
[B]Uttar Pradesh
[D]Madhya Pradesh

9. Which are the two nations , India’s largest trading partners , 1st & 2nd respectively ?
[A]China , US
[C]UAE, China

10. Aam Admi Bima Yojna (AABY) was launched in which among the following years?

11. Berne Convention is most closely related to ___?
[A]Trade Related Measures
[C]Agricultural Market Access
[D]Global Warming

12. AoA in context with World Trade Organization is ___?
[A]Article of Association
[B]Agreement on Agriculture
[C]Agreement on Association
[D]Administration of Agriculture

13. A gene is a functional unit of ___?

14. A neutron , an electron, a proton and an alpha particle are moving with the same kinetic energy. The increasing order of their speeds will be ?
[A]Alpha Particle, Neutron, Proton, Electron
[B]Electron, Proton , Neutron, Alpha Particle
[C]Alpha Particle, Proton, Neutron, Electron
[D]Neutron, Proton, Alpha Particle, Electron

15. The Rural Infrastructure Development Fund (RIDF), which is used by the state governments to develop infrastructure in rural areas, is managed by which among the following?
[D]Rural Ministry of India


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